I thought going in to the last marathon that I could run between 10:30-11:00 min miles. But that was simply not the case. When I think about the last training cycle all I think about is pain and inconsistency. I battled foot pain, blisters, and a pretty tough achillies pain (tendonitis?). Coming off the marathon the only thing that seemed to help get over all the stupid aches and pains was to just take a break. So I didn't run for about 6 weeks and now I feel like I'm starting over.
I decided to actually pay for a training plan so that I didn't just run whatever I thought would work during the week and then do a long run on the weekend. There were a lot of different requirements in my search, as I have a very inconsistent work schedule, get bored easily and am really wanting help build a strong base.
I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a plan built just for me and a lot of the plans were very structured and repetitive. Run the Edge offered the perfect plan (Level Up Ultimate 26.2) for me as it's all time based, I can move through it at my own pace, and it's interactive and ever changing. Hopefully it will work out!
This brings me to my original point. A lot of the weekly miles are based on effort. Today I decided to do my "long run" (I'm going to my sister's graduation this weekend and wanted to save the shortest workouts for Saturday and Sunday) and it was supposed to be done at "medium" effort. Finding a medium effort is super hard for me. Running at an easy pace (around 12:00 min/mile) is a piece of cake, and finding a hard pace (around 8:45-9:30) is not challenging, but getting somewhere in the middle and holding it is something I haven't quite mastered yet. Luckily I have another 4 or 5 weeks of "easy" or short distance running to figure it out. I still have to find what my goal marathon pace is too. I'm still at the point where just running a race that I feel I did as well as I could is my goal, not so much for time.
As always the biggest challenge will be forcing myself to stick to a plan the whole way through. Especially once my schedule starts to interfere.