
12 Miles and Other Running Things

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." 

-T. S. Eliot

This Saturday I ran 12 miles. It's a good thing I don't have to do those long runs on my own because I really don't know what I would think about for 2 hours while I run, run, run. What do I usually think about? I think about finishing. I have to convince myself to keep going (ok trick myself, is closer to the truth).
"Only one more minute; only to the end of the road; just till you've been running for an hour; think of all the skinny cow ice cream/pancakes/potato chip you can eat after burning 1100 calories...etc."

But luckily I only have to do one long run in the week by myself, so I only have to bribe my brain a few times.

So I'm going press pause and talk about how much Team In Training has changed my running.
  • I went from thinking I HAD to just run all the time, and that walking was weak, but now I know walking makes me stronger. 
  • Running went from a very independent, solo action for me, to a social, group activity. Don't get me wrong... I still really like running on my own. A lot of the time I prefer it, but I also love having a pace partner. Even if there is no talking, just having someone there makes a big difference when it comes to how far you can push your legs.
  • I've gotten a lot faster, even though I run slower on long runs (I credit my determination + having a great training schedule on that).
  • I've started to actually enjoy running.

Wait, huh? You mean to say this girl has been running for 9 months and didn't like it? Yes. Yes, that's correct. Running was torturous for the first 3 months. The only reason I've kept up with it (until recently) is because I like the way it makes me feel after and I like the results. Now? I like it a bit more. I like the people. I like the accomplishment. I like seeing my surroundings in ways I never would have before. I like pushing myself. (I like the clothes.)

The lesson here is if you hate running, maybe you should join a running group (in Savannah there are all of the C.R.E.W. groups and the Savannah Striders, but nationally check your local running stores or meetup.com) or you should raise money for cancer and join Team In Training or DetirmiNation. I mean stop being so selfish while you hate running, geez.

p.s. Check out my post over at GeekChic: The Blog! It's the first of many! And look out for more posts every once and a while from my girl, Caity.


Amazing Fall Smoothie Recipe

Hello everyone! My name is Caitlyn. Katie and I decided to do some blog collaboration. Like her, I am a member of Weight Watchers. I love cooking and have been adapting some recipes to fit my new lifestyle a little better.

One of my favorite new discoveries is an adaptation of a smoothie I found on Pinterest, the Pumpkin Pie Smoothie. The original recipe calls for greek yogurt and since I try not to eat a lot of dairy I changed it a little bit.

Here's what you need:

  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1/3 cup pure pumpkin (canned)
  • 1 cup soy/almond/hazelnut milk (preferably vanilla)
  • 5 ice cubes
  • 1 Tbsp ground cinnamon
 Put all ingredients into a blender and enjoy! The best thing about this recipe is it's only 1-3 points depending on what kind of milk you use. I used original almond milk and added a few teaspoons of vanilla and it ended up being only one point!

This is just a preview of some other healthy recipes you can find on my blog, GeekChic: The Blog. I'll also be posting recipes here every now and then!

Until next time,



I am a Runner.....?

I've struggled with this for a long time. I feel weird calling myself a runner! 

That probably sounds cray-cray to some of y'all. If you don't run, surely you'd look at me, a girl who runs 3-5 days a week, and say "Of course she's a runner!" But I look at all these people I've met through the running community and I just pale in comparison. They run faster, or the run longer, or they are more active in the community. 

On top of that I never in a million years thought I'd come close to calling myself a runner, so I guess it's taking longer than a few months to get used to it.

A week or so ago a customer at work (kind of creepily) said I had muscular legs (haha that's so creepy) and I said "Oh, well I'm a runner." And it felt so weird! 

When does one become a "runner"? 

Did I become a runner the moment I decided to do couch to 5k? Or was it after I ran a 5K? Or maybe it was when I got my first pair of running shoes? Or was it when I joined Team in Training... or when I actually completed C25K and then kept running without the program? 

I don't know! What are your opinions on becoming a "runner"?


Getting back on the train after having a bad week

I find it really challenging to get back to my healthy habits after having a few days of not following my plan. I end up trashing the whole week because I'm already behind. Starting over at the beginning of the week (a Wednesday for me) always seems to be the way it works for me. 

I think I live in constant fear that I will just slip back into my old ways. I've done the dieting and weight loss before. Sure, I haven't ever made it this far but I can still remember all those times I just started to forget about living a healthy life. I turned off the side of me that cares. I've done it a few times during this trip down the Weight Watchers journey but I've always restarted at the end of the week. That's the important part! I can't forget to get back into my routine.

I had a great weekend at the beach and stuck to my VEGGIETARIAN ways! I've had a few bites of meat here and there over the last two months but I've tried my hardest not too. Some days it's easy, other days it feels like all I want is a piece of bacon. Everyone seems to be really supportive of it though and that makes it easier.

It's a new month so I'm trying to come up with some new goals, but right now the only two I have are continuing to get all of my weekly miles and work on my core strength. 
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