
Making Stupid Mistakes... And Then Learning to Move On

One thing I learned in the beginning of my server training way back in 2006 (wink wink, waaayy back) was that if you make a mistake with a table, ya gotta move on and forget about it. If you dwell it just keeps messing you up, over and over. Then you go home, finally fall asleep and you dream about it!! I usually don't have control over the dreaming part but if I make a mistake while I'm at work, it's gone and out of my head in minutes.  But in my real life it's a little harder to let go, especially when that mistake costs hundreds of your hard earned dollars.

Today I woke up all excited (ok, I didn't wake up, I technically never went to sleep) to go on my trip to Baltimore to see my cousins and aunts and uncles and run a 5K tomorrow. My flight was supposed to leave at 6:24AM so I left the house when it was still dark out (a typical Saturday for me now, I guess) and made my way to the airport to find out that my flight... was YESTERDAY! I totally booked the wrong day. Way to go Katie... NOT! With some help (MAJOR help) from my cousin I was able to pay for my ticket to be moved to a later flight today, but I tell you what, I sure felt defeated this morning.

Making a big mistake like that, on top of getting an email rejection from a job I really want yesterday, and not having any money, really just hit me! I haven't felt like the world was working against me like that in quite a long time. My life outlook is relatively positive, especially since I started WW in January. Today was just a little harder. Hopefully everything else goes the way it's supposed to.

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