
Took a Little Break...

It's been a little over a month since I wrote a post, and it's mirrored in my weight loss. I was pretty slack at the end of April and most of May. I've cracked back down the last two weeks, so I figured I should get back to the blogging. 

The last 10 pounds have really made a huge visual difference for me, and apparently every one else. I get lots of compliments, and at times it's embarrassing but I appreciate people noticing my hard work.

At 167
At 157
I've changed my goal from 154 to 149. I'll maintain there for a few months, probably till after the half, then re-evaluate to see if I want to lose more.

Eating right and working is still hard. I don't have time to eat when I'm there, plus my options are really limited, so if I forget to bring something or I don't eat before hand I end up not eating or I stuff french fries and a turkey sandwich in my mouth. Between Friday and today I lost 3 pounds... which I  think a lot of you would say, "That's a good thing!" but losing weight because I'm not eating or not eating right, in my eyes, is a bad thing. So I'm happy to have some time off to get back to my routine.

This week marks the kick off for my half marathon training! I'm stoked. I've never run with a group before so I can't wait to experience that (plus I'm a little nervous). We have our kick off on Thursday. That means I'm going to start really annoying the heck out of you guys for some money. I set my goal high, and it'd be AWESOME to reach it. I'm trying to think of a fundraiser I could do through work and maybe some other bars/restaurants on River Street so if you have any ideas, pass 'em along!


1 comment:

  1. keep it up, katie!!!! you look awesome...and training with TNT will be so much fun!! let me know how it goes :)


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