
July Already?!?

I can't believe another month has gone by. That means it's time for me to recap June... and well, I'm a little ashamed at myself! Although I haven't been very bad when it comes to eating healthy and exercising I really didn't do anything I wanted to last month. 

June goals:
  1. Lose 5 pounds (I've already lost 3 this month). I sort of did this one. I've lost 5.8lbs since May 30th, as of this morning but it's technically July, not June.
  2. Join a fitness class (Yoga, Bootcamp, or Zumba). Nope.
  3. Work on posture and core strength.
  4. Do sprints. Did this once...
  5. Drink my weight in water every day by ounces (literally, 150+ ounces of water a day). Not even close. Although I have been a little better by doing at leas 64 ounces the past week or so.
Now for measurements. I like to do my measurements once a month but now that I'm so close to maintenance I'm not expecting to see those drastic numbers I did when I first started. I lost an inch and a half off each thigh in the first month! But I have heard other girls lose up to two sizes after reaching maintenance. I feel like the last 10 pounds have made such a huge visual difference, but on top of that I feel like a much better runner.

Waist: -.5 in
Hips: -.5 in
Bust: -.5 in
Arms: 0.0
Thighs: -.5 in

So weird! I had the same amount of loss all over (with the exception of my arms). I'm definitely happy with it!

So now for July goals!
  1. Reach maintenance!
  2. Go to Yoga. 
  3. Drink more water! It's so hot outside.
  4. Run my furthest distance (over 5 miles).
  5. Finish my TNT letters and emails.
  6. Start going to WW meetings so I can get lifetime.
  7. Core strength, core strength, core strength.
I'm looking forward to this month! Camping comes in a few weeks, I should reach maintenance soon, I'm going to my first yoga class today, I'm running better than ever and TNT looks to have an amazing month! Remember to donate! I need to get a lot more money by August. Just for some motivation one of the girls in our group mentioned this at our group training session this weekend: 

Every 4 minutes someone is diagnosed with blood cancer, so while we're out there running for 45 minutes 11 people have their lives changed.

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