

In honor of making maintenance this morning, I'm making a before and after post!

before, 2009 (I was actually at a pretty good weight here for me)
after, 2012

before, 2011
after, 2012
before, new years eve 2009



Race picture progression! 34 min, 30 min, 29 min!

Finding bathing suit befores are quite impossible.

In the middle, and after...there is about a twelve pound difference here.

I can't believe I made it! When I started this in January 155 seemed so far away, and now I'm sitting at 149, 40 pounds lost! I want to walk around with a t-shirt that says "I lost 40 pounds! If I can do it, anyone can!" Because I was one lazy Pansy before I started the couch to 5K program. Now I work out 5 days a week, I'm training for a half marathon, I go to yoga classes and I bought pita chips, hummus and dried fruit for my road trip! Hahahaha, that's so weird.

I'm excited to continue on though! I know that I'm only going to get stronger and leaner, even if the number doesn't change. Hopefully I'll fit WW meetings into my schedule soon so I can get to lifetime, I'm tired of paying them!

 Weight Watchers, Couch to 5K, Team in Training, bananas, splenda (yeah I still use splenda, suck it), zucchini, Subway, I love you all! You changed my life. Forever! 

I would post a big happy smiley picture here but I just got home from a 4.5 mile run and I'm look rough! Thank you for all of your support :).


  1. YOU DID IT!!! I am so proud of you! I have little tears in my eyes :) Rock it out girl!

    1. You are a huge part of my inspiration! Thank you!!


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