

For such a lazy weekend, I sure feel stressed! I guess unemployment and taxes can do that to you.

Yesterday I got up earlier than I have in a couple weeks and had a nice run around downtown in muggy 70-something degree weather with Victoria. 3 mile run check! Week one of Hal Higdon Novice 10K Training Program, check! 

Once I got home I was amazed to see that mom and dad were still asleep! That NEVER happens. Our dog (Kody) seemed just as confused. So I showered and worked on a flyer for my tutus. After everyone got up and going we finally got to the spring cleaning... and this is where the "Whew!" comes in.

The pantry before:
4 opened bags plus a plastic container of nestle chocolate chips!! Seesh!


We got rid of a lot off stuff. Seriously, these pictures don't do it justice. There were about 15 boxes of pasta and rice, 7 different types of vinegar, and 4 year old boxes of graham crackers!

We moved onto some serious refrigerator cleaning too but I got so involved I forgot the pictures! It looks much better now, and I'm glad I convinced my parents to do it.

My week ahead consists of lots of job hunting and running/strength/cross training, hope your week goes the way you want to!


  1. Theres so much room! Yayyyyyyyy! Ha i wish this happened a couple years ago...

    1. It could have if you'd made it happen! I was so annoyed I just said we needed to do it.


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