
Working Girl

I got a part time job working at an Irish Pub on River Street in Savannah and it has been a huge adjustment to my eating habits. For one I'm obviously working when people are eating, so I'm not eating when I used to. If I work at night I leave for work at 4:30 and don't get home till 12:30, and I'm pretty busy the whole time I'm working. I've started trying to eat as much protein as I can during the day so I'm not hungry at work and then scarf down a meal replacement Special K bar while I'm at work some time around 8. It's definitely going to take some getting used to!

On another note, yesterday I ran farther than I have before! I ran 3.5 miles in about 34 minutes. Since my runs are shorter during the week I figured I focus on getting my time down then and just worry about running without stopping on my long runs and it really paid off this week! I didn't do as much cross training as I'd like (which I should be doing right now...) but I've probably walked a bazillion miles since I started waiting tables 4 days ago so I like to think that evens it out a bit.

This week my 10K training consists of a 2.5 mile run, a 2 mile tempo run, and 4 mile long run, plus strength/cross training. I have my first two days off tomorrow and Wednesday and then who knows when I'll work after that. I might get a second job somewhere too so that's a possibility too! I'm just taking it one day at a time.

Gotta save money for this!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you! I know how hard it is when you have to work long hours on your feet. When I have clients back-to-back all day it's really hard to find time to eat. I usually try to bring some fruit to snack on when I get a chance.

    Good luck with your long runs!


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